Welcome to Section 31 – Tech

Section 31 Tech is an alliance of freelance IT and digital media professionals that are working to build and educate by offering IT solutions to the local community.

We want to see as many people in our community be able to use  technology as often and as easily as they want to. We want to offer people and businesses the ability to choose the right solution themselves and fully maximize their productivity by having accurate technical information.

Convenience and Support:
Ever gone back to a company with your broken computer only to find out that they will charge $200 just to take a look? Or to find out that they’ve gone out of business entirely? Section 31 is about providing quality IT services at a reasonable price through education, research, and experience. Our emphasis is on sustainability and stability.

Section 31 Tech will recycle and repair broken technology, including computers, monitors, cameras, and phones without reprocessing. When items are broken beyond repair they are turned into art (The robot on the left hand side). This is one way to reduce waste in the environment and provides a way for technology to be useful beyond its expected shelf-life. If there is less being thrown away then both the environment and human beings benefit.

Prime Directive:
Section 31 is formed as a partnership that specializes in increasing availability to the highest quality information technology, design, and education services possible.

The prime directive of Section 31 is to benefit all members of the community through open/shared information, practical education, social networking/engineering, and technical skill.


1. To Develop and maintain the most efficient/highest quality information technology, design, and education services possible to members of the community.

2. Provide clients with fair, flexible, and realistic pricing. The purpose of this is to increase availability of IT services and resources to the general community.

3. Improving the overall technical knowledge of our Partners, members, and clients whenever it is possible/appropriate.

4. Training interns with on-the-job IT/Design skills through accurate information, practical experience, and teamwork.

5. Build and maintain the most open, accurate, and clear body of knowledge regarding Information Technology.

6. Operate in a way which is mutually beneficial to everyone.

7. Develop and maintain an overall atmosphere of meaningful contribution, trust, open mindedness, and fun. This is done to ensure that the prime directive of Section 31 will actually be implemented and realized.

Keys to Success:

Fulfilling the Prime Directive on the basis of mutual trust and cooperation. Continuing to develop new innovations, solutions and research methods based on the best available information.

Members of Section 31 must be trustworthy, reliable, and proficient in their areas of expertise. Members should continuously work to improve themselves, the organization and thus the community as a whole. This will contribute to the long-term stability, security, and legitimacy of Section 31.


Section 31’s mission is to maintain and contribute to an open community of technology, education, art and ideas. This is done by opening access to technology and information. The idea is that a more knowledgeable, open, and self-actualized community will allow each member of that community a greater opportunity to contribute positively, thus building a stronger community and a stronger individual. This is mutually beneficial to everyone.